Our professional specialty and the service that we most like to provide to the ones who seek an improvement in their health, need to lose weight or treat diseases such as diabetes or hypertension. Also to those who are looking to change their eating habits and wish to change their body for aesthetic purposes. Finally, we work with athletes, both amateurs and professionals, who need to improve their physical condition and performance.
In this consultation we carry out a complete evaluation of your body composition, identifying the endogenous factors to get to know you, and the exogenous ones to know how to improve them. The results obtained will allow us to know more about your body, so that we can implement a healthy improvement plan to ensure your well-being.
After making a complete evaluation of your body composition, we will proceed to diagram an eating plan, mesotherapy processes and equipment, so that you feel full comfort with your body; And only in the aesthetic and physical part, it will also improve your body at the cellular level, making you feel much healthier. The goals will be measured every certain time, so that you can notice the improvements in the short, medium and long term.
Once all the information about your body has been collected, added to our research work with your data, we will organize it in a personalized folder so that you can have it and use it in future consultations.